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Social Sciences

Subject Intent

For children to leave the academy with eager, passionate and investigative minds that understand people and communities. They will know the functions of the brain, physical and emotional change, be politically aware, the economy, crime, education, families and relationships as well as practical elements of Social Science such as how to care and advise. Children will be prepared to be active members of their community, conducting themselves morally and with empathy, to challenge the status quo, and to stand up for what is right with conviction.

The childcare course is suitable for students that aim to work within the childcare and health and social care field, this will give them the best opportunities to achieve their goal in developing within this field.

Our aim is for our students to leave the Academy feeling confident with their knowledge regarding the impact childhood experiences has on every individual’s future and understanding the roles and responsibilities professionals have in a child’s development. They will be able to recognise childhood experiences including the physical, intellectual, emotional and social factors that play a vital role to an individual’s life and recognising the importance different learning styles can have on individuals learning to support their growth and development. This will have significant impact to any role in their future; for those that may wish to start a family or may work and come into contact with children and families. They will leave the Academy understanding that everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a vital role in protecting them from harm and the importance of safeguarding. Students will have a good understanding of important legislations that are evident within all workplaces such as The Equality Act 2010. The knowledge gained will provide students with the opportunity to further their career, in providing children with the correct support and care to aid the following generations’ development in becoming positive members of the society.


Curriculum Objectives
  1. To have studied key perspectives/approaches in Psychology including Behaviourism, Biological, Cognitive and Social learning theory.
  2. Students to gain an understanding of research methods and the value of scientific research. This will be beneficial to help students better understand some of the many claims that they encounter in books, magazines, television shows, and movies. Thus be equipped to sort out the truth from the fiction surrounding many pop psychology myths they may encounter on social media etc.
  3. To have knowledge and understanding of different ways psychologists conduct psychological research when investigating human behaviour. Also, be able to weigh up the strengths and weaknesses of different methodologies.
  4. To develop students critical thinking skills - to critically analyse, weighing up the evidence, compare and contrast different viewpoints which will develop in higher-level essay writing
  5. To explain how Psychology ideas change over time and how these ideas inform our understanding of the world around us. For example, providing students with greater insight into current everyday issues such as mental Illness and black lives matter movement.
  6. To be able to analyse/interpret data, graphs and tables to infer conclusions. Also develop further maths skills-calculating descriptive stats, substituting values in formulae and solving basic equations
  7. To be aware/apply ethical considerations in psychological investigations.
  8. Developing application skills applying knowledge of psychological theories/concepts to scenarios and everyday situations.
  9. Accessing and reading academic psychological journal. Thus to gain an appreciation the value of dedication required for the theories and that they learn during the course.
  10. Students to develop independent research skills by carrying out their own research

Key Stage 4

The Psychology course offers our students an engaging and effective qualification introduces them to the fundamentals of Psychology, developing critical analysis, independent thinking and research skills.

All in all, the aim of this course is to help you develop the skills that will enhance your ability to understand the complex world in which we live in. Psychology will help you to appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how science contributes to the economy and society. It will hopefully spark your interest and enthusiasm for further study and possibly a career in the field – maybe as a Forensic or Clinical Psychologist!! The course covers a broad range of topics that we are sure you will find fascinating to learn about.   

Sixth Form

The A-level specification aims to promote your understanding as to the scientific nature of Psychology.  You will be learning about many of the theories, approaches, concepts and research methods that Psychologists use as well as learning to develop the skills of acquiring knowledge, critical understanding, analysis, interpretation and evaluation. This course aims to give students of Psychology a broad introduction to the scope and nature of Psychology as a science. The emphasis is on applying knowledge and understanding rather than just acquiring knowledge thereby developing a deep appreciation of the skills of analysis, evaluation, problem solving and critical thinking. The course covers a broad range of topics that we are sure you will find fascinating to learn about. 


Curriculum Objectives
  1. To have studied key ideas of classical sociologists including Durkheim, Marx and Weber.
  2. To have solid knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification.
  3. To apply solid knowledge of research methods to conduct sociological research and draw upon previous sociological studies where necessary, thoroughly understanding the strengths and weaknesses of these methods.
  4. To reference sociological views of the world, sociologists’ contribution to the development of the discipline and appropriateness of their use.
  5. To confidently develop opinions and new ideas on various social issues.
  6. To critically analyse and draw connections between the different topic areas studied in families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification.
  7. To compare and contrast perspectives on a variety of social issues through essay writing.
  8. To construct reasoned arguments, make substantiated judgements and draw reasoned conclusions through written work and debate.
  9. To successfully analyse and evaluate information and evidence presented in different written, visual and numerical forms.
  10. To explain how sociological knowledge and ideas change over time and how these ideas inform our understanding of the social world.

Key Stage 4

Sociology is an exciting and interesting subject that relates to our lives in many aspects. Have you ever been triggered by something you have seen in the news? Been interested in the way different groups of people work? Sociology is the subject for you! It is the study of people and society, exploring the various groups, inequalities and policies surrounding families, crime, education and stratification.

Studying sociology will allow pupils to gain valuable and transferrable skills including critical thinking, data analysis, research and debating skills and many more. A qualification in Sociology is a solid foundation relating to endless career paths including Law, Social Work, Civil Service, Policy-Making and Research Analysts.

Sixth Form

An A-level in Sociology is a valuable qualification that will land you multiple transferrable skills including critical thinking, essay writing, debating and research analysis, all of which look great to Universities and future employers.

Sociology is a subject that many students genuinely enjoy and explores current affairs and issues in society surrounding inequality, crime, families, education and media. You will explore the views and be critical of key Sociologists and begin to view the world in a way that you never have before!

Sociology can lead to many different and fulfilling career paths including Law, Education, Market Research, Police Force and Data Analysts.


Curriculum Objectives
  1. To be familiar with the different learning styles that can aid their learning for the future.
  2. To identify the different settings that are available for families to support them with childcare.
  3. To have a good understanding of the importance of Equality and Diversity (Equality Act 2010)
  4. To identify the key stages and sequence of child development
  5. To identify the different methods of observations that are used within a childcare setting
  6. To Understand the impact positive and negative influences have on children’s development
  7. To describe and explain how everyday care routines and activities can support the development of independence
  8. To describe different transitions children may experience and the impact it has on children’s development.
  9. Reference, and create a bibliography
  10. To understand the influence personal and external factors have on children’s holistic development.
Key Stage 4 (Years 9 & 10)

“We all start out as a blank sheet of paper” Or do we?

Learning about the start of life and those first few years allows our students to understand not only those around them but also themselves and their own growth and development. Childcare gives you the skills to assess and evaluate the development of children aged from Birth – 6 Years old.

The aim of this subject is to develop learners' knowledge of the Physical, Emotional and Intellectual aspects of childhood, to inform them of those milestones that affect children into their adult years so that they themselves can be employed and make a career out of this knowledge. Whether that be through education, social work, healthcare or childcare in general, the skills and theories provided will give them a head-start over anyone else within this sector.

Studying Childcare also allows students to experience many assessment styles, including Exams, Coursework and Controlled conditions – this means they can proceed into courses in Further Education that are assessed in the way they prefer and are more successful in.




