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Faculty Intent

For our students to leave the Academy, we aim to teach our children about the world that we live in and how it has changed over time. Our Humanities curriculum focusses on acquiring facts and knowledge as well as developing historical, religious and geographical skills. Religious Studies aims to develop students’ understanding of Religion and beliefs around the world to ensure a greater level of tolerance and respect of other cultures. History aims to develop students’ understanding of the past through the study of diverse societies across time; our students should learn to become responsible, active citizens, informed by examples of the past. Geography aims to provide opportunities for students’ to develop knowledge and understanding about how we fit into the world around us at a local, national and global scale.


Subject Intent

The history curriculum at TSPA aims to provide students with a deep knowledge and understanding of British history ranging from before the Norman conquest in 1066 all the way up until very recent events in the 21st century in addition to some history from around the world. Students will be supported in developing their own judgements and arguments of some of history’s biggest questions. Throughout this journey they will be exposed to a range of historical evidence and interpretations all the while being encouraged to challenge and question what they see. By looking at concepts such as cause and consequence, change and continuity, similarity and difference, and significance, students will also be able to explain the reasons and processes of some of Britain’s major events as well as the impact they have had in shaping the Britain we have today. To complement their understanding of these concepts, students will visit and revisit the key themes of migration, social history (religion, health, and wealth), empire, power rebellion and democracy, war and conquest, and the connected world throughout their journey through the curriculum that will enrich their understanding of British history. By the end of their journey, students will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to equip them to be successful historians.

Curriculum Objectives
  1. Interpretations and evidence: To understand how and why different interpretations of the past exist as well as being able to critique them. To understand the different types of evidence, their usefulness, and how to fully analyse what we are presented with.
  2. Significance: To pick out and understand how and why some things or people have a bigger impact on history and how to identify what makes someone or something significant in relation to events or processes. 
  3. Cause and consequence: To understand how different events in the past have come to occur, looking at short and long term causes, and turning points. Exploring the effects these events have on history and how they may have wider reaching effects than first appears.
  4. Change and continuity: To explore the changes between different time periods and what caused these changes to occur.

Key Stage 3

Key stage 3: Over the course of years 7, 8, and 9 students will explore the breadth and depth of British history, from before the Norman conquest right up to the 21st Century. Over the course of this they will explore several recurring themes such as power rebellion and democracy, war and conquest, social history, the connected world, empire, and migration. This will give students the knowledge to be able to explain and generate their own opinions on things such as how life for ordinary people has developed over time, how Britain has democratised over time, the impacts that empires and revolutions have had on the world, and how major conflicts have been caused and their legacies, as well as much more. Being introduced and then developing their understanding of the key concepts of significance, cause and consequence, change and continuity, similarity and difference, and then applying throughout their journey of the KS3 curriculum will prepare them with the essential skills and understanding for KS4 history.

Key Stage 4

Students follow the Edexcel GCSE course studying the four following units. Paper 1 consists purely of the medicine through time unit in which students will explore how medical knowledge, treatment, and prevention have changed over time and why these changes have or have not occurred. Additionally this unit will also explore the Western Front during the First World War looking at developments in this context. Paper 2 looks at Superpower relations and the cold war, with students exploring how various events throughout this iconic event affected the relationship between the USA and USSR. Paper 2 also sees students look at Early Elizabethan England, exploring the challenges that Elizabeth I had to handle and how she did so. Paper 3 focus entirely on Weimar and Nazi Germany up to 1939 exploring fundamentally how the Nazi party was able to rise to power. Throughout their study for these three papers students are encouraged to think deeply about the content they are exploring and develop their own opinions on various topics, as well as challenging existing interpretations and evidence. This will allow them to step up to KS5 history with ease.

Sixth Form

Students will explore two units and complete their own research and write an extended essay (NEA) on a topic of their choosing as part of the AQA A level history course. Paper 1 sees students study the Age of Crusades unit. Through this unit they will explore the reasons for the crusades, the impact of the crusades, and how the crusader states impacted this region of the world. Students are also encouraged to challenge and critique existing interpretations of events from this time period. Paper 2 sees student study the English Revolution uni. In this unit they fundamentally explore the reasons why the English Civil War occurred, the relationship between parliament and the crown, and the interregnum period as well. Also, as part of this unit students are challenged to evaluate primary sources and their usefulness in relation to their study. Finally, students will complete a 4500-word extended essay on a topic of their choosing. In this they will choose the question, research for It, locate sources and interpretations on the topic, and then formulate a unique response to the question. The result of this combined study of both units and the NEA prepares students for further study and/or future careers by developing deep, procedural knowledge that is desired in many fields.


Subject Intent

At Stockwood Park Academy the geography curriculum is designed using a spiral approach. The curriculum is designed to allow students to study different topics at higher difficulty levels as they progress through the curriculum. Our students are encouraged to become strong geographers by developing key spatial knowledge and skills. This is achieved as the curriculum provides students with the opportunity to learn about diverse places, people, resources, natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.

Curriculum Objectives
  1. The difference between physical and human geography and how they are related.
  2. How man-made and natural places fit together in the world.
  3. Pupils will be exploring the social, political, environmental impact of events such as natural disasters and migration.
  4. To explore, respect and understand diversity in global communities. To understand how societies and communities’ function
  5. Fieldwork and the use of maps, directional language, carrying out surveys.

Key Stage 3

In Year 7, students are introduced to basic geographical skills relating to how the geographer collects and represent geographic data. From a knowledge point of view, they will study the physical and human geography of the UK and Europe. In Year 8, the curriculum increases the rigor of study by including geographical theories to help them explain phenomena within the frame work of the physical and human environment. As it relates to the map skills, Year 8 students will be using different geographical representation tools to collect and analysis spatial data. By Year 9, these young geographers are provided with the opportunity to cement all their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills within the framework and approaches that helps them to understand how earth features are shaped at different scales, interconnected and change over time. NB. The new KS3 curriculum will be implemented over a two-year period. Year 1, 2023-2024 will see implementation of the curriculum in Years 7 and 8. Year 2, 2024-2025 will see full implementation of the curriculum across all of KS3.

Key Stage 4

Throughout their time in Key Stage 4, students follow the AQA GCSE course studying three units.

  • Unit 1- Living with the physical environment
    • Section A-Challenge of natural hazards
    • Section B-The living world
    • Section C-Physical landscape of the UK
  • Unit 2-Challenges in the human environment
    • Section A-Urban issues and challenges
    • Section B-The changing economic world
    • Section C-The challenge of resource management
  • Unit 3-Geograpical Application

Sixth Form

During their time in Key Stage 5, students will follow the AQA A Level course studying three units.

  • Unit 1-Physical Geography

    • Section A-Water and carbon cycles

    • Section B- Hot desert systems and landscapes or Coastal Systems and landscapes or Glacial systems and landscape

    • Section C- Hazard or Ecosystem under stress

  • Unit 2- Human Geography

    • Section A- Global Systems and global governance

    • Section B- Changing places

    • Section C- Contemporary urban environments or Population and the environment or Resource security 

  • Unit 3-Field Investigation (NEA)

    • Students complete an individual investigation which must include data collected in the field. The individual investigation must be based on question or issues defined or developed by the student relating to any part of the specification. The NEA report is 20% of the overall grade.

Religious Studies

Subject Intent

It is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions such as: what is religion? What is Philosophy of Religion? And do religious experiences prove that there is a god? Religious Education contributes significantly to the diverse character of the school and enables pupils to ask deep and often searching questions about their own faiths and beliefs, and the beliefs, faiths and opinions of others regarding pertinent contemporary moral issues. The teaching of RE makes links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world-views studied. The RE curriculum will help to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether it be social, cultural and religious, and prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.

Curriculum Objectives
  1. To be able to develop a knowledge and understanding of all religions and world views found in the United Kingdom and their associated ways of living
  2. To be able to understand the nature, role and influence of different religions, traditions, beliefs and lifestyles in the world
  3. To be able to pursue personal quest for meaning, purpose and value
  4. To be able to formulate reasoned opinions/arguments in relation to controversial issues and truth claims
  5. To be able to develop understanding of and respect for different beliefs and lifestyles

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 Religious Education seeks to engage students in a rich curriculum to build an understanding of Religion and world views at a local, national and global level. Students will explore the ‘Big Six’ major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism as well as non-religious world views and alternative religions such as Humanism, Rastafari and Mormonism.

Students will gain key knowledge and develop critical evaluation skills through the study of Beliefs and Teachings, ethics and values and the expressions of faith within the Big Six religions.

With 3 sessions a fortnight, students will have opportunities to reflect on their own religious and spiritual beliefs through the lenses of world views, philosophy and ethics; exploring big questions such as ‘What is my world view?’ ‘Is life sacred?’ and ‘Why is worship important?’  In this way, RE seeks to develop a student’s understanding of the world, while considering the beliefs and views of other groups from religious and non-religious perspectives. RE seeks to promote and encourage respect and tolerance for all religious and non-religious beliefs to help students understand the cultural, social and historical communities that exist within society today.

Key Stage 4

Throughout their time in Key Stage 4, all students study two units of Religious Studies from the AQA exam board.

Component 1: The Study of Religion - Beliefs and Teachings and Practices of Christianity and Islam

Component 2: Thematic studies - religious, sociological and ethical studies.

Theme B - Religion and Life

Theme D - Religion, Peace and Conflict

Theme E - Religion, Crime and Punishment

Theme F – Human Rights and Social Justice.

Both papers will be written exam only. Students will be assessed according to specific skills such as literacy and critical thinking, expressing their opinion and supporting it with reason, demonstrating knowledge and understanding of religious beliefs and teachings, as well as evaluating alternative and non-religious world views.
